Saturday, December 25, 2010


A video of me and bffl Mei dancing months back. It turned out to be really funny at the end. lmao

Check Out her blog Here:

New YouTube Account/Practice Dancing Videos

So guys i did these videos like months ago, but now decided toe dit them and post them on my new you tube account ( ) --subscribe =]

so feel free to check them and out, i was sick and bored and dancing really helped. =]

Santa Baby

Merry Christmas Everybody!!

I really hope that everyone is having a wonderful holiday.
I'm so happy for the holidays, one because I'm off from school of course, and two its my little sister's first Christmas so I'm really excited for all the family time I'm having. Christmas is my favorite holiday.
So Santa did a god job with my shopping list and gave me these gifts:

ITouch 4th Generaton <3>

My dad got me this speech recognition software so i can literally just type and the words appear on the screen for me. This is going to come in handy with all my college papers coming up! <3

Really Cute panties!

Socks =]

Some really nice Nail colors, I'm going to be using my foot spa and treating myself to a pedicure veryy soon ^__^

FINALLY a black tote bag to carry all my junk to school in. i Love it!

* I'll have to update when I get the rest of my gifts from my friends and such ^__^

xoxo -S.A.D

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Guess whos back!!????

Omg guys, who missed me? Ive just completely and utterly abandoned this blog for a few reasons. i was bored with it, I was busy, i was on other things such as face book, twitter, and tumblr. But for the upcoming new years this will be my second home, cause a lot of you guys have been asking me where i went and why i no longer post I'm so so soo sorry, but I'm back now!!
Okay so its been like freaking MONTHS so im not going to just sit here and type EVERYTHING that's new. basically its the following:
-i got a job!! <3>
-I'm SINGLE if you know Brian (Daisuke) yeah, me and him are no longer together, its been like that for a while. thankfully we are still Friends though. just so much shit has happened. So yes I'm single and happily at that ^___^
-I'm in my Junior year of Highschool and im taking a lot of early college classes, so when i do get to college i wont have to take these classes. so its hard trying to keep up with everything and as you guys know I'm a terrible procrastinator, but I'm making it work
so yeah that's basically it, this week I'll be making a video going into detail about these things, but i just wanted to catch you guys up on my life and such. and please stay tuned, I'll have a new banner and many many post coming in the upcoming weeks.
i missed you guys soo much! <3>
xoxox - Satou Arisu Doll. <3